Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Jose Miguel Battle, Sr. (1930August 4, 2007) was the nominal leader and founder of "the Corporation," which is otherwise known as "the Cuban Mafia."

Jose Miguel Battle, Sr. Arrest, Conviction, and Sentencing
During 2004 Battle and 20 of his key aides and associates were indicted and convicted in a substantial racketeering case. Of the 21, four were arrested in the New York and Union City, N.J. areas. One was in Puerto Rico and another in Spain; the rest were in the Miami area, including Battle's son. At the present time he is housed in the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in Miami on more charges of racketeering.
The Corporation is considered to be not as strong, lucrative as the 1980s with the recent takedown of Battle and his top organized crime associates. The present estimate of his organization is anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 direct and loosely associated members. It is not know whether Battle has an operative outside of jail who makes decisions for him.
Today, little is yet known about the Corporation actually structure and total membership roster after approximately 30 years of existence. Jose Miguel Battle Sr. is considered the original "godfather" of the Cuban Mafia if not still the actually leader of it.
On May 6, 2006, Battle pleaded guilty to the racketeering charges due to his health. On January 15, 2007, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. [1] On August 6, 2007 he lost his longtime battle with various ailments while in South Carolina while in Federal Custody awaiting transfer to another prison. [2]

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