Sunday, November 18, 2007

EDHEC Business School
EDHEC Business School Logo
EDHEC or École De Hautes Études Commerciales du Nord is a French business school and grande école founded in 1906. It has three campuses, one in Lille, one in Nice, where it absorbed the Theseus International Management Institute, and the latest was founded in 2006 in Paris' business district, La Défense. EDHEC is EQUIS accredited by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Education), and AMBA accredited for the Theseus and Part-Time Executive MBAs programmes and by the AACSB, and the Conference Of The Grandes Ecoles.
The school is usually ranked fifth among business schools in France, after HEC, ESSEC, ESCP-EAP, and EM Lyon. It is worth noting that these French rankings have been very stable over the past 20 years. Their source is the French state organization called SIGEM which is in charge of tests for admissions for "classe préparatoire" students. EDHEC is the only private school within these five schools.
In 2006, the EDHEC Grande Ecole Programme ranked 7th in the Financial Times ranking of European Masters in Management. It was previously 12th in 2005 for the same ranking.

EDHEC Business School is involved in academic research and has launched its Research For Business (link in french) policy, that states objectives for EDHEC research. As a business school, EDHEC has chosen to conduct applied research in the fields of finance, business law, marketing and management. Research Centers have been, and are being set up in EDHEC "Academic Excellence Areas" : - EDHEC main project is the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre. It's a research centre in Finance whose prime specialization was asset allocation in both traditional (indexed allocation) and alternative investment universes (hedge funds); it is currently expanding its research towards Asset-Liability Management and Operational Risk Management.
The EDHEC RAM center produces hedge funds style indexes, which are similar in purpose to CSFB/Tremont indexes on its website. It is publishing a return based style analysis ranking of european mutual funds with Europerformance (see [1]). The EDHEC-RAM is sponsored by financial organizations such as Euronext, Lyxor AM and Eurex.EDHEC Business School
EDHEC has around 60 student societies on the two campuses. Below is a nonexhaustive list:

Welcoming foreign students

Ad Lib, concerts and music magazines
L'Agora du Nord, conference and debates organisation
Bureau des Arts
Dionysos (wine degustations)
La Clef des Planches, theater company Culture

CitéPub (, organization of the 'Etoiles de la Pub', an event dedicated to the creation of a real commercial by students. The members of CitéPub also work on a brand new Communication Consulting Agency, named CitéCom, created to give access to a real communication budget to young start-ups.
Course Croisière EDHEC [2], the biggest sailing event for students in Europe
Prix de Court, short film competition
Le Père Noël est-il un rocker ? (Is Santa Klaus a rocker ?) music festival organised to help disadvantaged children
Star ec, organise 'La croisée des talents' a junior manager competition Events

Bureau des etudiants (Nice and Lille Campus), in charge of major nightlife events and introduction week ends
Ed'MyCible (Lille) and Admissiblement Vôtre (Nice) are welcoming students for the time of their admission tests Social Life

VLV, (Vive les Vacances), holidays for disadvantaged children
Frères de Sève, promotion of sustainable development
Schola Africa, building schools in Burkina Faso
Aide Edhec (Humanitarian association in Nice helping disadvantaged children after school, helping children in Madagascar...) Social and humanitarian

Le Ch'ti, city guide to Lille
Le Pitchoun, city guide to Nice City guides

Transaction EDHEC, Society that organises a Business Game and manages several investment clubs.
EJE, EDHEC Junior Etudes. Lille Junior Enterprise association [3]
EJM, EDHEC Career and job Management Corporate

ETNA, Video society
Radio ED/ EDHEC Webradio
Fotomas, Photo society EDHEC Business School Notable Alumni

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